Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Mighty Minnows...

Isaac started Mighty Minnows (swim lessons) on Saturday. It was COLD!!! The outside temp might have been 65...but the water wasn't too bad. We did a lot of fun games with Isaac and even dunked him a few times. He wasn't all that sure about the dunking but we really tried to encourage him after he went under and he seemed to be okay. We go another 3 times so we are excited to get him used to the water! Here are some pics:

Isaac getting in for the first time

Isaac and daddy go down the "little" waterslide

Isaac and daddy...end of lessons and very cold!
On Sunday it was warmer so we had a mini pool party with Isaac's friends, Asher and Hadley. We were at Hadley's house. Isaac just loves the water!

Asher, Isaac, and Hadley are pool buddies

Today I took Isaac to the doctor for his 15 month check up and shots. When we got called by the nurse, I took Isaac's hand and we walked over to the door but he took one look at her, pulled his hand away from mine, and took off for the door to go outside! I think he knew what was coming. He always gets his shots at the end of the visit, after the doctor is done. When the doctor told Isaac bye-bye, Isaac waved and headed for the door! He is a smart boy!

Isaac weighs 26.4 lbs and is 32 and 1/2 inches tall. Everything is going great and he is healthy! He was so good at the doctor's office! I was so glad because this was the first visit I did by myself. When we got home Isaac ripped his bandaids off! He's a big boy and doesn't need those!

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