Friday, July 10, 2009

Great News...

We found out today that Zach passed his engineering test! PRAISE GOD!!! What a weight lifted off our shoulders. It makes the difficult time we went though worth it!

It's been awhile, sorry about that! Zach had a great time on his trip to Chicago but also missed us a lot. He was glad to be back. We have been spending more and more time outside now that it's been so warm. Isaac loves to go outside. All I have to say is "Isaac, you want to go outside?" and he comes running and plops his little bottom in my lap to get his shoes on. He does get super sensitive when you promise to take him outside and then have to go back in for something you forgot! Isaac loves to play in the grass. Here are some photos we captured:

Isaac also loves to read in his room. We've been doing storytime before bed and he loves to sit in our lap and turn the pages. Here are some pictures of him reading...yes the book is upside down. He doesn't seem to care!

Another favorite thing to do is to empty my cabinets and bang on the cookie sheets. Hours of entertainment I tell you!

We've been keeping busy! I have a lot more pictures to post but it's late so I'll try to get them on tomorrow!

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