Friday, July 17, 2009

New toys...

Isaac has always loved playing in the kitchen but now he especially loves cleaning out my cupboards of all my pots and pans. You'll often find a pizza pan or a cookie sheet in the living room because he uses those as drums. He often carries around my small skillet and it is so funny! No matter how big or how heavy, he has pulled everything out of my cupboards at one point or another. Here are some pictures:

We found tooth #7 & #8 yesterday. Number 8 has been in for quite a while but Isaac won't let us look in his mouth! Number 9 is just about ready to poke thru. We knew there had to be some coming because Isaac can't keep any saliva in his mouth! He's been soaking at least 2 shirts every day.
We learned some sad news last week that Isaac's friend, Asher and his family are moving to Dubuque. We will miss them a lot but Isaac will definitely miss playing with his friend. Now I need to find a new baby sitter!
We are making plans to do a small/major remodel in our house. I've been dying to remove our half wall since we moved in but Zach would never let me. However, now he's on board. Originally we were just going to take the half wall out and replace the flooring in the kitchen and dining room but our friend Kyle has pretty much talked us into that plus removing part of our kitchen wall and replacing all the carpet in the living room and hallway! We are still considering all of this but we are going to look for flooring tomorrow. I would like this project done in time to host my friend Sara's bridal shower on Aug. 22. That's not that far away!

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