Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Toy box

Grandpa & Grandma Erickson bought Isaac this toy box for his birthday. Isaac LOVES it! He stands in front of it for hours pulling out the toy he wants to play with. I love it because it is big enough to keep all of his toys and our house doesn't look so messy! Here are a few pictures of Isaac playing:

Here's an update on Isaac's latest accomplishments: he is getting closer to walking. He took three steps today. I think he will take off running soon! He loves to wave bye bye and gets very excited to see his pictures over the kitchen table at meal times. He loves to point at each of them.

We have also switched him to whole milk and he's not allergic! We are so relieved and glad that the allergic reaction before was to something in the formula. It is so nice not to buy formula anymore! He's eating more and more table food and LOVES hotdogs! He also loves carbs! Potatoes, bread, and cheerios are his favorite. I have a tough time getting him to eat fruits and vegetables some times.

Isaac popped his 5th tooth through a little over a week ago. We'll see if any others come anytime soon. He might be the slowest teether in history!

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