Sunday, July 15, 2012

Bathroom update

Zach, with the help of my dad and brother, completed installing the new tub/shower last weekend.  We have hired a guy from church to come in and do the mudding, taping, and texturing of our walls and once he's completed that we can paint & finish.  I purchased a new shower curtain and rug for the floor along with new towel hangers and a new curtain rod.  Zach & I picked out the new floor last night & it should arrive early next week.  We are very excited to have our bathroom back to normal!  We haven't really missed it because we were able to give the boys baths again Friday night and we do have a shower in the basement that Zach & I can use.  Once the walls are painted we will put up the new curtain and start using it ourselves again. 

New tub & shower

Walls after a few coats of mud

Isaac has been attending library story time this summer and we've been checking out more books because of it.  Most of the books we check out have something to do with trucks or tractors.  One in particular has a story line about a child and his daddy playing flatbed truck, with the child riding on the daddy's back, kind of like a horse.  Isaac & Caleb really enjoy it when daddy pretends to be a flatbed truck and they get rides around the house.  When daddy isn't available during the day, Isaac and Caleb attempt to be each other's flatbed truck.  It doesn't usually work well but it is funny!

The boys on their flatbed truck
Caleb attempting to ride Isaac as a flatbed truck 

Caleb had fallen off and was confused about how to get back on.

 The boys started swimming lessons yesterday.  Both really enjoyed it and Caleb was brave enough to try the slide all by himself, with someone catching him at the bottom.  Isaac stuck his face in the water willingly, which is a huge step of improvement for him!  Caleb thoroughly loved jumping into the pool.  He is definitely more of a dare devil than Isaac ever was!  I will try to get some pictures next week of their lessons so we can post them here!

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