Wednesday, December 2, 2009

catching up...

It's been a while! I can't believe it's already December and Christmas is only a few weeks away! Here is an update of what we've been doing the past month.

We didn't dress Isaac up for Halloween, it was too cold and I wouldn't have let him eat the candy anyway. Instead we stayed in our warm house. If we would have been thinking, I would have put Isaac in his costume and let him hand out candy at the door but we didn't even do that. We did take Isaac to a pumpkin patch Halloween morning. We went to the one over in Cumming and it had a lot of neat stuff including a playground where Isaac could ride a pedal tractor and dig in the corn. He seemed to have fun on the wagon ride too. There weren't a lot of pumkins left but it didn't matter. We walked around in the corn maze and then left. Here are some pictures of our adventure:

Isaac scooping corn with daddy

Isaac loved the horse swing

He couldn't reach the pedals so daddy pushed him!

Only a few pumpkins to choose from

Isaac & daddy on the big tractor

Our family

We've also been playing in the leaves this fall. Isaac loves them much more than he did last year. He really loves to walk through them and throw them in the air. We got some video and a few pictures:

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