Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Doors are so much fun!

Isaac has a major fascination with doors now. He loves to go in his room and shut the door so I can't get in. Usually he then makes a mess of his room by knocking over his laundry basket and taking all the books off his shelf. But, he is very content to have the door closed!

This morning Isaac learned how to open the cupboard doors as well. Until now he didn't know how handy the handles could be and we were able to keep him out. We have baby proofed the cabinets he can't be in so that's good!

Isaac managed to give himself a black eye the other day. He was reading his book while I was changing him and he dropped the corner of the book on his face. It was really black on Monday but seems to be better each day. He also has a runny nose it teeth or is he sick? Hopefully this won't turn into an ear infection!

My baby is going to be one next week! How fast time flies! Also, we a little over 2 weeks from Zach's test! We can see the light at the end of the tunnel and we will celebrate when we get there! Zach still has some studying to do though!

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