Thursday, February 5, 2009

And he's off...

Isaac started crawling last Friday. I have it on video but I don't know how to download those yet so you'll have to wait for Zach.

Isaac's favorite place to crawl is over to Jake's water dish. He finds it fascinating and the only way to deter him from going is to give him the remote. We don't usually let him play with the remote but I get really tired of chasing him down and bringing him back to the middle of the room!

Remember how I said it would be a couple of weeks before we had to lower Isaac's bed again? Yeah, the next day Isaac pulled himself up to standing position twice! He hasn't done it in his crib but that will probably happen tomorrow!

We got Isaac's nine month pictures done tonight. That was an experience! I think Isaac thought we were going to give him away because he would not let us put him down and he cried through most of the pictures. We got some where he was taking a break but not many and no classic smiles! I'll post those sometime over the weekend.

I'm afraid our time with Jake is coming to an end. Jake went partially blind over the weekend and tonight I found him down our hallway... a long way from his rug. When I told him to go to his rug, he had no idea where he was. I don't think his eye sight will come back and we don't want to risk him biting Isaac, especially since Isaac is fully mobile now.
Here are some more places I've found Isaac since he became mobile:

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