Wednesday, February 18, 2009

10 months!

Isaac is 10 months old today! He has officially spent more time in this world than he did in my tummy! We have friends with boys just older than Isaac and they are turning one this week! Amazing! I think it will be weird to have a one year old.

Isaac's new thing is pulling himself up to stand. He is very good at it now and we often find him standing in his crib in the morning. With this new skill come some pretty good falls. It seems Isaac always has a minor bruise on his forehead. He LOVES to stand up by our bay window and watch the cars and people go by. Sometimes he tries to carry on a conversation with them! He also loves to use me as a jungle gym. He climbs up and usually gives me a hug. It's nice to feel so loved!

Here's a picture of Isaac's top tooth. You can see the other one ready to come in but so far it hasn't appeared!

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