I decided this afternoon that Isaac & Caleb should make my mom something for her recovery. Of course, they are not actually going to help but I thought if I painted their hands & feet that at least I could say they touched the picture. So after supper Zach & I were ready to tackle this project. We determined the best way to do this was to strip the kids down, paint their hand & foot and then throw them immediately into the bathtub. It was getting late & I was concerned about getting Caleb to bed as quickly as possible so I thought it would be best to do his first. I didn't really think about it being a two person job and that I couldn't actually leave Caleb in the bathtub by himself to help Zach with Isaac so I had Caleb stripped before Zach could tell me how bad an idea it was. Then my cheap side kicked in & I decided not to put Caleb back in a diaper for 30 seconds...so I let him crawl on the floor naked until we got Isaac done. About 2 minutes later, Caleb had peed on the carpet. I didn't really mind considering it was just pee but Zach was a little more agitated. We were almost done with Isaac so I said "keep going." About 3 minutes later Zach starts yelling "he's pooping, he pooping!" AHHHHHH!!!! That's a problem!
What a mess!!! I quickly picked Caleb up & took him into the bathroom where I proceeded to put his feet in the toilet because they were all poopy! However, his butt was still poopy so now there was poop on the rim of toilet & Caleb was not impressed that he was partially in the toilet. Zach is yelling at me...I'm trying to do what I think is best but my attempts are failing miserably. Finally I just put Caleb in the clean bath water that I had just run. Caleb LOVES the bath so he started splashing & playing. He was not happy when I quickly washed him off & took him back out. So needless to say, Zach put a diaper on that child for less than 5 minutes of use. :)
I finished painting Isaac's hand & got him all cleaned up. Then we tried to get Caleb's prints but it is much harder to make a baby do what you want! His foot print was pretty good but his hand print is terrible. He wouldn't open his hand up to be painted! Oh well.
I'd like to say the excitement ended there but it didn't. We put Caleb & Isaac in the bath when we were finished. Zach cleaned up Caleb & then Caleb determined that standing was better than sitting and ended up falling. He had to get out of the bathtub then. I was busy getting him ready for bed and Zach was letting Isaac play in the tub while he finished cleaning up some of the previous mess. When Zach went back to get Isaac out...Isaac had pooped in the tub! I have gone 3 years without a child pooping in the tub and now my streak is officially over. So I cleaned poop out of the tub...again. What a night!
I hope my mom enjoys the picture and I know she will think the story is hilarious. I will have to wait to tell it until it no longer hurts to laugh though! :)
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