Sunday, November 21, 2010

Caleb's Dedication

This Sunday we had Caleb's dedication at church. We chose Caleb's name from the story in the Bible where the 12 spies were sent into the Promise Land to scout the land. When the 12 spies returned only Caleb and Joshua believed and had faith that God would give them the land. The rest of the spies were afraid the people living in the land would defeat them. The verse that we read was Numbers 14:24 where God is talking to Moses and says - "But my servant Caleb is different from the others. He has remained loyal to me, and I will bring him into the land he explored. His descendants will receive their full share of the land." Our prayer for Caleb is that he would remain loyal to God and he would have faith that God can do the impossible.

We had a lot family here this weekend for the dedication. Below are some pictures of our family, the Erickson family, and the Beerends family.

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