Thursday, April 29, 2010

Isaac's New Room

We finished Isaac's room this past weekend and wanted to share some photos of the room. We did a cars theme to the room. It was fun to put it all together and we enjoyed the decorating. The photo frames don't have our pictures in them yet, but we put them up anyway to get an idea where to put everything else. We are still going to look for a book shelf for all of his books, but here it is.

Isaac's Bed

Isaac's New Toy Organizer

Isaac's Dresser and Closet

Isaac's Rug

Picture of Isaac in his room
Isaac loves his new room. We have pretty well transfered over to the new room. He slept in his bed yesterday for his nap and last night and did really well. He is currently in bed getting ready to go to sleep again.

We are at week 36 in the pregnancy. Everything is still going well. Regina is ready to have this baby as it is getting harder for her to move around. At our appointment yesterday the doctor said the baby is head down, which is great news, as long as the baby doesn't turn between now and week 40.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

2nd Birthday

This past weekend was Isaac's 2nd Birthday. We had a party on Saturday with the family. Our parents and my grandparents were able to attend along with Regina's brother and sister-in-law. Our friends Brenda and Kyle happened to be in town and stopped by as well. The party was a lot of fun. For the party Regina and I decorated a cake. She baked and frosted it and then helped me decorate it. We did a cars theme and a picture of the cake and decorations are below.

Isaac and me after I helped him blow out the candle.

We got Isaac a swingset for his birthday, which the family helped me put together during his nap. He loves his swingset and now says "outside" all the time because he wants to go out and play. The other morning Regina went in to get him up and his first word was "outside". Below are some pictures of him playing on the swingset.

Some other gifts that Isaac received included play-doh, a plastic golf set, clothes (which were needed), sidewalk chalk, and some cars. We got him some matchbox cars and a container for them. The video is him opening the matchbox cars.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Last Months Update

It has been a while since our last update. Regina is 34 weeks pregnant and doesn't have much energy anymore, so I am attempting to relearn the process. I will try to keep it up-to-date, especially when the new baby comes.

Isaac's Grandma Erickson bought him some overalls from the Bass Pro Shop for Christmas. Regina thought it would be a while before he would fit into them so they were in the drawer. However, when we pulled them out they didn't fit. The buttons would pop open in the crotch. But Isaac loves them and wanted to wear them anyway. Below is a really funny pic of Isaac in them. He now gives this face to the camera.

In March we took a trip to Austin to visit Grandpa and Grandma Erickson. It was around Grandma's 60th and my 30th birthday. Below are some pictures from the trip. Grandpa got the fishing pole out in the living room and acted like there was a fish on the line and Isaac tried really hard to hold on (check out the face). The other photo is Isaac walking around on Grandpa's farm land.

Recently, Regina took some video of Isaac on the couch. We have been trying to get him on video playing his guitar, but have not been successful yet. This one is a taste, hopefully we will get a better one sometime in the future. The second video is Isaac saying his A, B, Cs.

We are currently preparing Isaac's new bedroom so that the baby will have a place to sleep. We are also getting ready for Isaac's 2nd birthday party, which is this weekend. I will post some pictures next week of the new bedroom and birthday party.